Digital humanities dissident, Moya Bailey, has sculpted a yellow brick road in cyberspace for women of color. This summer she will travel to Detroit, along with her collective, Shawty Got Skillz, to conduct a three-hour workshop at the 14th annual Allied Media...
Season 2 of Oxygen’s competition reality series, The Glee Project, premiered June 5th showcasing a diverse cast of new contenders. This season’s cast includes a blind African American man, a disabled woman, a bi-racial trans man, a lesbian, and in all, four people of...
[pullquote3 quotes=”true” align=”center” variation=”purple”]Big ups to my ancestors and universe for allowing me this gift… reminding me that for as long as I have a breath, I have a pen and I am one of many vessels for...
Michael David Battle, a black female-to-male (FTM) trans maan, who has been documenting his transition online is currently compiling an anthology of stories with the working title, “Here, Our Voices: The Black Trans-Identified Experience.” We are looking...
In a recent interview, two queer authors of color discuss their books and memoirs. Toni Newman, trans author, discusses her memoir, I Rise: The Transformation of Toni Newman. She discusses the challenges she’s faced as a black transgender woman from a happy...