The newest social media tool, Vine, is up and running in the iTunes store and QWOC Media Wire is excited about all the ways this micro-video-blogging tool could be used to create more visibility for queer people of color. Dig it. Vine, “The Instagram of...
Jesse Wang Social Media Marketing Intern Hi my friends! I’m a graduate student at Boston University and my concentration is in Innovation and Technology, focusing on innovative business classes. I’m mostly concerned about human rights and I believe all people,...
Social Media Marketing Internship (Summer 2011) Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) is currently seeking two (2) dynamic motivated interns interested in exploring a career in social media marketing. This unpaid internship requires a commitment of 15 hours...
You ever had those days where you really just cannot get out of bed? Where you’d rather sleep from 8in the afternoon until 8, 9, or 10 in the morning, rather than do anything productive? Or those times when you’ve only slept for four hours, because there just seems to...