Spider Lilies follows the heart-wrenching love story of two Taiwanese women. Zhuzi, is a tattoo artist in her 20s who continues her father’s legacy by opening up her own tattoo store. She inhabits a world of internal turmoil due to a past filled with grief and guilt....
Welcome to INTERLINQ-ED, where we highlight news and media about and relevant to LGBTQ people of color, diaspora, and racial or ethnic minorities around the world. News African-American LGBT card company seeks to expand (Windy City Media Group) Ugandan police raid gay...
Historically Black Colleges were founded in the early 20th Century to educate, support and empower the Black community during a time when education was legally, socially, and financially exclusive and unequal. Within these institutions, as a way of further empowering...
Li Yuchun, originating from the province of Sichuan, is one of the few Chinese to have appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. She garnered her claim to fame in 2005 by winning a popular Chinese singing competition called Mongolian Cow Sour Yoghurt Super Girl’s Voice....
Artists For Recognition and Acceptance (AFRA–Kenya) is looking to take on lesbian and bisexual artists for a three month paid internship. The AFRA-Kenya’s Internship Program aspires to help lesbian and bisexual artists become community leaders through training in...