Damn, It Feels Good to Be Me — QWOC Pride

In the short blurb beneath my Facebook profile picture, I have a line quoted from Tracy Chapman’s song, “Fast Car.” It reads: “Me,myself, I got nothing to prove.” I chose the line because it embodies how I know I want to feel all the time – like myself. I want to feel...

Coming Out to Cab Drivers — A Necessary Risk

Several days ago, I found myself on a taxi ride home, engaging in conversation with the driver about blacks and education. He asked whether or not I was in college; I told him I was and he proceeded to clap, thanking me for doing something for blacks “across the...

Hate and Homophobia in Manizales, Colombia

This is from earlier this year…  something that I find utterly sad, evidence of why some of us deal with so much crap as QWOC.  I don’t particularly enjoy ragging on Colombia, but this is insane: Translation: Jorge Alfredo Vargas: “In an...

To My Family, Queerness is an Immigrant Thing

I talked to a friend about the last post, and she posed that very simple question. To begin with: Having to justify the way my family and I, as a queer woman of color, view the world. My family is comprised of immigrants to various countries (not just the U.S.) and...