Portland-based CROSSHAIRS zine is looking to place a spotlight on the intersection of identities that are often silenced in the community.

CROSSHAIRS is asking queer and trans* people of color to contribute their work as a means of healing and resource building. By promoting visibility of the stories, thoughts, and emotions of queer trans* people of color, they hope to challenge the power dynamics of white supremecist society. The zine aspires to serve as a community resource and validate the lived traumas experienced by members of the community.

DEADLINE: June 10th, 2012


  • This will be a half-size zine. Submissions should be 1-4 pages.
  • Along with your submission, please include a brief (one sentence) bio and contact information; submissions can also be made anonymously.
  • We welcome all kinds of submissions. Text-based submissions should be in .doc or .odf format, and artistic submissions should be 300-600 .tiff or .pdf files. Make sure each page is 5.5” x 8.5” (half letter).
  • Please send submissions by email to pdxqpoczine (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject line “SUBMISSION – [your name OR title of piece]”. If you have questions about format or if an email submission is not possible, please contact us.

Visit here for the full call.