Lady Luck Films of Greensboro, NC needs our support. The production company is seeking funding on Kickstarter for the Season 2 production of Come Take a Walk With Me, a web series developed to depict young black lesbians who viewers can relate to and imagine existing in real life.

Lady Luck Films is run by Mina Monshá and Siler, a couple who’s been in business together for the past 7 years. Not only have their efforts to increasing visibility of queer women of color in the media via their web series, as part of our community, they deserve our continued support as social entrepreneurs.

In case you’re not familiar with the series, Come Take a Walk With Me portrays a black lesbian from a small Conservative town in Virginia who explores her sexuality after going away to college in a city in North Carolina.

In season one, Channing faces real issues when she is rejected and not understood by her family and has trouble communicating with her partner, AJ. The series follows Channing through her struggles with family, friendship, finances, faith, and faithfulness.

Check Out Episode 1 Below

AMPLIFY this series — visit Lady Luck Films’ Kickstarter page to contribute, like them on Facebook., and follow them on Twitter.


AMPLIFY is a QWOC Media Wire series that highlights interesting media projects for and by queer women and gender non-conforming people of color across the globe.

Got a fundraising project that could use a media boost? Send us a brief description and bio, donation link, important deadlines, and any other materials (e.g. high resolution photos, video, or audio) you would like to accompany your AMPLIFY feature and we’ll get back to you if we decide to run it.

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